
Unlock the Limitless Power of your Multimedia Content, Globally

You invested in creating engaging promotional videos for your E-commerce website: With aesthetic animations and compelling content writing that encapsulates your brand identity and resonates with your target audience, your multimedia content is one-step away to be launched---adding subtitles in multiple languages to expand your reach to target locales!

However, subtitles included literal translations of idioms and slang and failed to capture the humor used in the original content, alienating your global target audience. As a result, your multimedia content didn’t reach the expected return on investment (ROI) due to substandard video subtitling services. Your well-crafted videos/audios deserve nothing short of the best-quality subtitling service!

If you are looking for unmatched-quality subtitling services that smoothly take your multimedia content across linguistic and cultural borders, rely on Transbridge subtitling translation services and unleash the full potential of your videos/audios


Why Use Subtitles for your Video/Audio?



85% of Facebook videos are watched without sound.



Adding subtitles to video ads increase video view time by 12% on average.



Videos with subtitles are 50% more likely to appear on the first page of search results.



Videos with subtitles are watched 40% longer than videos without subtitles

What Makes Transbridge Subtitling Services Stand Out?

Beyond Subtitle Translation

Translating spoken dialogues is an art that entails much more than mere translation. Be it a game script, a promotional video, or media content of streaming platforms, dialogues are often packed with idioms, slang, or humor, requiring nuanced cultural adaptation and creative transcreation to capture the exact meaning while maintaining the tone and style of the original content. Moreover, ensuring your subtitles align with the cultural norms as well as the regulatory compliance guidelines of the specific region and dialect is mandatory to avoid culturally inappropriate subtitles that might offend your target audience or even lead to potential censorship.

At Transbridge, we draw from a vast network of in-country, native-speaking linguists with extensive expertise in the complex intricacies of subtitle translation. Assigning professional linguists with profound industry knowledge and subject-matter expertise, we guarantee immaculate subtitling translation services where the meaning is never lost in translation-- where every nuance is preserved, every joke lands, and every message resonates.


Quality Assured Precision Delivered

We adopt a holistic quality assurance process to ensure every step of the subtitling process meets the highest quality standards, adhering to industry best practices while tailoring our workflow to meet your specific requirements.

Our subtitling quality assurance process includes editing and reviewing every aspect of the subtitling process:

Linguistic Accuracy: Checking for language precision, grammar, syntax, punctuation, etc. to make sure translations are accurate and faithful to the original content.

Readability: Making sure formatting guidelines are strictly followed, including font size, style, color contrast, line breaks, and placement, delivering easy-to-read subtitles and a smooth user experience

Synchronization and Time Coding: Verifying accurate time coding to ensure precise synchronization of the audiovisual content with each subtitle, maintaining industry best practices of on-screen appear and disappear duration.

Style and Tone Consistency: Making sure in-house and client’s style guides are followed to ensure consistency of appropriate tone, style, and terminology throughout the subtitles, providing a cohesive user experience for all types of audio/video content and maintaining brand identity for promotional videos.

Cultural Appropriateness: Meticulously reviewing subtitles to make sure translations are culturally adapted to align with the target locale’s regulatory requirements and resonate with the target audience’s cultural norms.

Functionality and Compatibility: Testing and validating that subtitles are properly integrated into the video/audio and are compatible with the technical specifications of the viewing platform or device, including file format, encoding, resolution, and aspect ratio.


Technology-Driven Efficiency: Speed and Scale at Affordable Rates

Utilizing groundbreaking technology and the latest subtitle software, we automate and streamline the daunting and complex tasks of timecoding, synchronization, and formatting.

With top-notch subtitle software, we deliver maximum efficiency and precision, ensure compatibility with different file formats and seamless integration with video-editing tools, significantly cut down on costs, and guarantee timely delivery regardless of the project scale.

How our technology-powered subtitling solutions increase your audiovisual content ROI?.

Multilingual Support: Translate subtitles to multiple languages simultaneously and reduce the time-to-market.

High-Volume Projects: Enjoy a hassle-free video subtitling service for high-volume projects. Our scalable workflow allows for teamwork collaboration where multiple linguists can work on large projects at the same time, ensuring swift delivery while maintaining consistency and optimal accuracy.

Competitive Pricing: Get the best value for money! Maximizing efficiency, we offer cost-effective subtitling translation services.


Transbridge Subtitling Process


Check Our Industry-Specific Video Subtitling Solutions


Subtitling for E-Commerce

With consumers being much more likely to purchase a product that they can find a video about, in their mother tongue, adding subtitles to your multimedia content not only enhances accessibility and improves user engagement but also dramatically increases conversion rates of your E-commerce website. Partner with Transbridge for unsurpassed-quality subtitling services and offer your users a personalized online shopping experience.


Subtitling for Live Events

With extensive experience in catering for all translation, localization, and interpretation needs of live events and conferences, Transbridge offers a vast array of language services across all industries, including live captioning (real-time transcription) for your virtual meeting or webinar to enhance accessibility and inclusivity for the deaf and hard-of-hearing, post-event transcription for speeches, presentations or any audiovisual content, and video subtitling services tailored for your multilingual audience.


Subtitling for Government

Whether it is a commercial related to raising awareness of public services such as healthcare, public announcement videos, or e-learning and training audiovisual content, Transbridge is trusted by governments for subtitling services in Dubai, all GCC countries, and worldwide.


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