Website Localization

Your Master Key to Global Gateways

Aware that tapping into new markets necessitates localizing your website to speak the target locale ‘s language and conform to its cultural norms, you entrusted a translation service provider with the website localization process. After multiple reviews and edits of your e-commerce website content, everyone was happy with the translated content, until the website was launched! Corrupted text, local diacritic marks shown as random special characters, a part of the content not displaying properly, and customers complaining that the imperial system(inch, pound, etc.) is used in product descriptions instead of the metric system they are familiar with(meter, kilogram, etc.).


Though the content was accurately translated, Localization engineering and Testing as well as quality assurance by native-speaking linguists weren’t effectively implemented.

This is NOT the digital consumer experience your brand deserves!

Entrust Transbridge for a holistic, premium-quality website localization service that provides your customers with a seamless digital experience.

Website Localization in Numbers


72% of customers are more likely to buy products or services if the information is in their language


60% of shoppers rarely or never buy from English-only websites


90% of online shoppers choose to use their native language if it’s available


Websites that aren’t localized for a local audience can lose up to 13% of users


Following the launch of a multilingual site, 80% of websites experienced a doubling in business growth

Why Transbridge is trusted by global market leaders as a website localization service provider?

We Speak your Target Locale’s Culture

We understand that website localization is much more than website translation--many cultural elements factor into the website localization process: Website content is designed for marketing purposes, so it often includes metaphors, puns, idioms, and word play specific to each language and culture. Though this makes your original content engaging and appealing, if these cultural elements are translated without taking heed of the target locale’s cultural nuances, the content might sound awkward or even offensive. Relying on expert, native-speaking translators and a meticulous quality assurance process, your localized website content is culturally customized to deliver the exact meaning and feel of the original content.


We Offer End-to-End Website Localization Services

Website localization is not only about content translation; it includes localization of symbols, icons, images, currencies, date formats, and units of measurement, down to the tiniest detail: for instance, the date 4/5/2024 is read as 5th of April in the US, while in UAE is read as 4th of May. Similarly, image localization can be vital: an image that might seem appropriate in one culture might not resonate with another culture, negatively affecting your website conversion rates and return-on-investment (ROI.)


At Transbridge, we offer comprehensive, seamless, hassle-free website localization solutions perfectly tailored to match your needs, plan, and budget.

  • Content Translation

    Content Translation

    Assigning a certified, native-speaking translator who is a subject-matter expert; that is, translators assigned to your website localization project have an in-depth understanding of your industry, be it retail, healthcare, legal, etc.

  • Image and Icon Adaptation

    Image and Icon Adaptation

    customizing images, icons, symbols to match your target locale’s cultural values, including image text translation.

  • Localization Engineering and Testing

    Localization Engineering and Testing

    Extracting and analyzing various file types, resolving encoding conflicts, and layout complexities (e.g., RTL to LTR languages) to ensure a user-friendly UI. This includes handling text expansion (e.g., Arabic expands 25% when translated from English) and conducting rigorous localization testing to ensure your multilingual website runs smoothly.

  • Proofreading


    translation and localization of videos and audios including subtitles/voiceover

  • Numerical and Metric Adaptations

    Numerical and Metric Adaptations

    adapting numbers, dates, units of measurements, etc.

  • Multilingual SEO

    Multilingual SEO

    collaborating with you to grasp your website's purpose, target audience, and user’s journey, our team conducts keyword research, aligns webpage content and metadata with your objectives, success criteria, and budget to enhance SEO effectiveness across different languages.

What to Expect when you opt for Transbridge as your website localization Partner?

Swift Delivery

Through integrating Translation Memory and cutting-edge technologies that expedite the localization process and ensure consistency of your brand’s tone and style across languages and a team of diligent project managers offering round-the-clock customer support, Transbridge provides short turnaround while ensuring that the translation and adaptation processes are undertaken by human, expert translators that understand your industry and target audience to render immaculate translations that convey your brand’s identity.


Quality Guarantee and Cost Saving

Investing in top-notch technologies and with flexible workflow tailored to your project, we ensure cost-effectiveness while maintaining the highest quality through an extensive QA process (Translate-Edit-Proofread-Test). Confident in the quality we provide, at Transbridge, we offer a money- back guarantee.


Your Website Localization Journey

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Understanding the scope of your Project

Identify translators with industry-specific expertise for your company.

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Website Localization Analysis

Develop detailed requirements, project engineering, client-specific processes and scheduling for accurate cost and timeline projections

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Creating Style Guide, Glossary, and Translation Memory

Document your brand voice and tone for consistent representation across the website.

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Selection of Localization Workflows

Select localization types, processes, file preparation, and formatting suitable for your website.

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Ensure approved localization workflows meet the highest quality standards

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Understanding the scope of your Project

Identify translators with industry-specific expertise for your company.

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Website Localization Analysis

Develop detailed requirements, project engineering, client-specific processes and scheduling for accurate cost and timeline projections

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Creating Style Guide, Glossary, and Translation Memory

Document your brand voice and tone for consistent representation across the website.

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Selection of Localization Workflows

Select localization types, processes, file preparation, and formatting suitable for your website.

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Ensure approved localization workflows meet the highest quality standards

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Understanding the scope of your Project

Identify translators with industry-specific expertise for your company.

... ...

Website Localization Analysis

Develop detailed requirements, project engineering, client-specific processes and scheduling for accurate cost and timeline projections


Q: What is the difference between translation and localization?

Q: What is the difference between translation and localization?

While translation mirrors content across languages, localization goes beyond, adapting for culture, language, and user experience. It considers dialects and cultural preferences, ensuring a more relevant and valuable experience for the target audience.

Q: What website content needs localizing?

Q: What website content needs localizing?

Beyond text, consider aspects like checkout experience, contact forms, and imagery, often overlooked but definitive for effective localization.

Q: Are Website Localization Services costly?

Q: Are Website Localization Services costly?

The cost depends on factors like manuscript size, technical complexity and sensitivity. Our Transbridge’s experts will consult and provide options aligning with your budget for maximum value.

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